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From India to NUI Galway.

Updated: Mar 25, 2019

Arman Bhagwagar - MSc. Digital Marketing

Most blogs from Indian students studying abroad will start with their journey from a small town to a big shiny city, however my story starts a little differently. I came from the big , urban and piping hot city of Mumbai. When applying to colleges, little did I know that I would end up in a town exactly the opposite of that! The beautiful green city of Galway . Where the weather is cold and gray, but the people, oh so warm and friendly. Staying in a beautiful town like Galway you learn to enjoy the little things like the beautiful path on your cycle to college, or enjoying the sunset at the Salthill promenade . Of course we only get time for all this between our lectures and assignments, which is so different from our classes in India ,but with such a beautiful city with so much to offer one learns to make the time.

NUI Galway is truly a remarkable college. The curriculum is so up to date, and with assignments that throw us into the real world. Until I left India, the only start ups I had seen were on Dragons Den but here, since starting here I have already worked on two projects with start-up businesses. The lecturers’ are so practical and friendly, if it was not for their tough subjects and their vast amounts of knowledge you would not know that they are our professors!

Apart from your chosen course the college has so much to offer. A state of the art library that keeps organizing the most interesting and useful of classes. A LaunchPad for campus entrepreneurship programs that will help you nurture an fund your idea into a business. A career development center that will council you from CV skills to how to crack an interview, that is when they are not organizing a job fair for us to interact with companies. When you get tired of self development and studies, NUI Galway offers over 50 society’s ranging from the much helpful Indian Society to as unique as the Harry Potter Society. And for the sports enthusiasts we have over 100 clubs. These include every sport one can probably think of, that is when your not pumping metal at Kingfisher the state of the art gym. Never did I imagine that I would go on a surfing trip with the surf club!

NUI Galway gives us the opportunity not only to interact with the Irish students, but students from all over the world who come here to pursue their education. I've found the best way to get to know new people has been over a coffee or a hot meal in An Bhialann restaurant, which if you go on the right day you may get ethnic food from your country. Or you could do it the Irish way and grab a pint of Guinness in the evening. My favorite part of Galway definitely has to be Shop Street which is lined with restaurants, shops and some of the most fun pubs you've ever been to! Just in one evening you can visit a variety of pubs, and just to be fair grab a pint or of course a coffee at each one. (Irish culture is rubbing off on me)

A little rain never dampens the Irish spirit

And for the nature lovers , there is Connemara which less than an hour away from Galway, it is famous for its beauty and scenic views. It offers breathtaking treks. And if you are feeling more adventurous you can always join the Hiking club to the various destinations they explore ever weekend.

The breathtaking Connemara -

Over all I would defiantly recommend one to come to Ireland and explore the emerald Isle, meet the friendliest people and study in amazing NUI Galway.

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