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  • Writer's picture@fussy_vegan_in_galway

Festive Food Truck Hits NUI Galway

Updated: Dec 4, 2018

We hate to give you FOMO, but if you didn't get to visit the Festive Food Truck outside An Bhialann Restaurant NUI Galway this week, then you really did miss out.

It was comfort eating at its finest, just in time to smother those stress levels in sugar & cream! The food truck pulled up outside the Arts Millennium building and served all things festive & sweet for the day. Why? Well because it's Christmas, and you deserve it!

Check out some of what was on offer.

If the blaring Christmas tunes didn't get you in the festive mood the menu surely did.

Unfortunately the truck was only with us for one day only, but if it's something you would like to see back again let us know on our social media.

But don't fear, An Bhialann will have their annual Cram Jam counter open for Study

Week. That's the all you can fit dessert counter that's there for you when the study blues get's a little too real. Take a container, smash as much goodness into it as possible and enjoy!

Happy Christmas folks and best of luck to anyone sitting exams.

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